Custard apple payasam/sitaphal kheer/pudding

Custard apple /sita phal payasam/pudding
Custard apple kheer is a delicious fruity kheer. The sweetness of the fruit makes the kheer flavourful. This kheer does not require much sugar as contains natural sweetness of fruits. Custard apple kheer is very easy to make and requires only a few ingredients.

This fruit is anti-oxidants and nutrients and lends its own sweetness and taste to this wonderful dessert.
Flavored this with cardamom and dry fruits .Enjoy this delightful dessert….

NOTE: While prepping the fruit, don’t scrape the flesh too close to the skin β€” it tends to be grainy and changes the texture of the payasam.

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9 Comments Add yours

  1. Megala says:

    Yum! Sounds super delicious !!


    1. lipikadalai says:

      Megala …Thank you so much😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Santosini Patro says:



      2. lipikadalai says:

        Thank you for liking n appreciating my blog!😍😘


  2. Looks so good! I’m sure it tastes good too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lipikadalai says:

      Yeah….it tastes wonderful…make a try! Thank you for appreciation 😊


  3. Yummmm….very different 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lipikadalai says:

      I really appreciate 😊Thank you

      Liked by 1 person

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